

Iptables: Creating persistent bans from Fail2Ban

 |  700 words — 4 minutes  |  fail2ban firewall iptables linux php

On my servers I use the nifty program Fail2Ban to perform logbased automatic firewalling of ‘bad’ ip’s.

The idea behind this is easy: Some IP performs an action I don’t approve of. This can be any number of things, e.g. requesting pages in Apache that are commonly accessed by bots and/or scanners, or trying to log in to SSH with accounts that do not exist on the system. This bad behavior gets logged, and Fail2Ban keeps tabs on those logs, and using a number of rules it determines if a host is ‘bad’ enough to temporarily or permanently ban all access to the server. It does so by adding a few chains to Iptables (one for each thing it checks for), and dynamically adding/removing IP’s to/from these chains.

This all works perfectly. However, there’s one issue; When Iptables gets reloaded, it restores its default rules, removing the Fail2Ban chains and all the rules they contain, even if the ip’s in the chain were marked as permanent.